Class Group
God's Wee Tots Birth - 3yrs.
God's Mighty Tots 3yrs - 1st grade
We Love Jesus grades 2 - 5
Youth grades 6 - 12
Good Samaritans/ Adult Class
Doers of the Word
Sunday School at Edgewood Baptist Church is where our understanding of the Bible is introduced and enriched through a study of the scriptures by a study of the people and their acts of faith throughout the Old and New Testaments.
The faith of new believers is strengthened because of the ability to learn about and share the gospel in smaller groups. These groups are crucial to support not only our members, but also carry out the Great Commission stated by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20.
Sunday School classes for all ages are offered at Edgewood Baptist Church. Our children’s classes include nursery, ages 3-6, and children in 2nd through fifth grade. We have several adult classes as well as a class for residents at Pruitt Health Care.
Sunday School at Edgewood is an opportunity to encounter God’s word which leads to personal spiritual grown and a closer, more meaningful walk with God.