Every Sunday Morning
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
401 Witsell St. Walterboro, SC 29488
Edgewood Baptist Church has been providing a Sunday Morning Worship Service at the Nursing Home on Witsell St. in Walterboro for the past 35 years. The program is an extension Edgewood’s Sunday School Department and takes place during the Sunday School hour. Services start at 10:00 AM and usually conclude around 10:45 AM.
Over the years, the Nursing Home has changed hands. For many years it was known as Oakwood Nursing Home. Later, it became the Heritage Healthcare Center. It is now known as the PruittHealth Nursing facility.
Each service includes music, prayer time, and a message from God’s word. Workers representing the Edgewood Sunday School Department have had the privilege of sharing God’s word in song and word with many residents and their visitors over the years.
“I love to tell the story for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest “.
Lyrics by Katherine Hankey